Our Underwriters
Pro-Art is supported in part by a grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as the Slemp Foundation, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, Mountain Empire Community College, the Columbus Phipps Foundation, the Lee County Community Foundation, and Wise, Lee, and Dickenson County Public Schools. Pro-Art is a chapter of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Lee County
Community Foundation
Corporate & Community

Our Community
Donna Price Henry
G. Kate Hibbitts
David & Ida Holyfield
Genna & David Kasun
James Kegley
Erin Kellam
Gerald Kelley
Steve & Valerie Lawson
Andrew Maggard
Scott Marcus
Brandi Martinez
Jim & Suzanna Masters
Jack & Cathy McClanahan
Michael McNulty
Leith Roeger Miller
Robert McLemore
Elizabeth Ann Minor
Jessica Mullins Fullen
Tom & Alma Mullins
Tommy Mullins
Cornelia Orth
Sharon Pigeon
Dorothy Powers
Oscar Raile
Nathan Rasnake
Lona Roberts
Josephine & Ken Roddenberry
Gerry Scardo
Ray Schweighardt
Phil Shelton
Jerry & Joyce Shepherd
Charlene Shortt
Sheila Shupe
Sanyogta Singh
Anna Skinner
Kathy Stewart
Max Stuker
Donald Sturgill
Larry D. Sturgill, PC
Annie Sutherland
Katherine Thrower
Bruce & Christina Turnbill
Chances & William Varson
Stephen & Gayle Vest
James Wardell
Bruce Wasem
Vietta Waters
Phyllis Williams
Shandah Wittman-Barker
Jan Zentmeyer